Dear Readers, Lovely Brides,
I know its been soooo long since our last post… we have neglected our blog for some time, as we were so extremely busy at the boutique preparing all those lovely stylish brides for their summer 2017 weddings.
I am actually working from home today, as with this heat, its really difficult to keep going at the speed I’ve been working recently… so while my darling son Noah is sweetly enjoying his nap on our sofa, I am quickly grabbing the opportunity to share with you this amazingly beautiful, full of soft hues, and lovely details photo session that our glamorous bride, Maira, had after their wedding in March of this year.
Only a few photographers I know can deliver such magnificent job, and I am very proud to say that Mailys Fortune is just at the top of the game, and she is widely popular amongst our brides. just as well as with images as below, who can resist??
so, without further due, as I really have to get going, It is my immense pleasure to share with you those bubble of emotions photos to keep you perhaps a bit coller on this super hot summer afternoon 🙂
I promise, there will be plenty more of gorgeous images being posted from our brides, as pictures start flooding our mailbox, but I just need to find time to give them justice and actually publish on the blog with a few words of appreciation to all involved!
love you lots, keep smiling beauties and see you shortly soon *-*